Want to make this holiday even more special with lovely desserts and cakes. There is no need to buy heavy whipping cream; make your own at home without messing up your whole kitchen. Sometimes we mess up even with these easy recipes because of not following all guidelines properly.
How to make heavy Whipping Cream
Baking and making desserts is an art, and to become an artist, we need to follow all the rules, including temperature settings, measurements, and most importantly, your focus on recipes. In the following article, we learn how to make heavy Whipping Cream? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.
Some common mistakes people usually make with a heaving whipping cream recipe.
- Not following all the instructions.
- You usually block freeze cream or don’t even chill it.
- Not choosing the correct milk cream for whipping
- Select wrong sweeteners
- Add sweeteners at the wrong time
- Using false whiskers for whipping cream
- Using not chill bowl and whisking utensils
- Over whip your cream
- Make recipes with less focus
Heavy Whipping Cream Recipe
You need a few ingredients to make heavy whipping cream.
- A sweetener – Take a sweetener, maybe maple syrup or sugar.
- Whipping cream – a heavy whipping cream can give an outstanding creamy result.
- A flavor – vanilla flavor can be the best option to use.
Chill out the bowl and beater for 20 minutes. Pour in the bowl the whipping cream, sweetener, and flavor. Beat it for a minute at high speed or until it reaches a stiff peak. (Quick tip: Making a heavy cream substitute is so simple. We need two ingredients to make up this heavy whipping cream.
- Milk
- Melted butter
But, you have to keep in mind that these two ingredients should be warm, or else the butter will make lumps in cold milk. Take 2/3 cup of warm milk and 1/3 cup of melted butter. You can melt the butter in a microwave oven. And can heat milk for 20 secs in micro. Mix up both ingredients carefully. Today, your heavy whipping cream is ready.
Another option includes the following ingredients:
- Corn starch
- Skim milk
Just take 2 tbsp of cornstarch and mix it with 1 cup of skim milk. Mix it well till the milk thickens.
The two recipes can be made within five minutes and preserved in the refrigerator for a few hours only. It can be whisked again before use to have a proper whippy texture. Now, as we know how to make heavy whipping cream, let us discuss a few of the recipes where we can use this heavy whipping cream.
- Top up your cakes with heavy whipping cream.
- Decorate your custards.
- Make your pasta with this cream.
- You can make ice-creams just by changing the flavors of your choice.
- You can add it to your espresso shot.
- This can also be added to filtered coffee to give it a unique taste and texture.
Make delicious and stable whipping cream, decorate desserts, and make holidays even more special.
Also read: Mediterranean diet breakfast.